- A Festschrift for Masaru Kajita -
Table of Contents
Preface vii
Selected Works of
Masaru Kajita xi
Abbreviations xxi
New Developments of
Negative Sentences in Modern English
Masatomo Ukaji 1
English Indirect
Joseph Emonds 19
Floating Quantifiers:
Their Distribution, Their Internal Structure
and the Theory of
Phrase Structure
Masahiro Akiyama 42
Descriptive Of-Phrases
in English:
Toward an Analysis
from a Developmental Viewpoint
Minoru Amanuma 54
On Aspectual Away
Teruo Asakawa 70
A Note on English Progressive
Ichiro Asano 85
Licensing Conditions for
Sentence Adverbials in English and Japanese
Shuji Chiba 95
Toward the Proper
Characterization of Aspectual Shifts
Kazuaki Ezure 110
Except and Except For: A
Diachronic Perspective
Masaaki Fuji 125
When an Uninformative Copular
Clause Is Followed by a Relative Clause:
A Thematization through Clause
Hajime Fukuchi 138
On the Empty Light Verb
Masao Fukuhara 147
The Syntactic Behavior of Allege-Type
Hideaki Genfey 160
Aspectual -Te Complex
Predicates in Japanese:
With Particular Reference to
the -Te Aru Construction
Hiromi Kizu Hayashi 174
the Scope of Occasional
Kaori Hayashi 189
Differential Manifestations of
gModalityh between Japanese and Korean:
A Typological Perspective
Kaoru Horie 205
A Note on the Peculiarity of
the GET -ING Construction
Yasuhiro Ichikawa 217
On Language and Complexity: A
Note on de Boer (2001)
Masayuki Ike-uchi 231
What Wh-Echo-Questions Tell Us
about the Architecture of Language Faculty
Toshiaki Inada and Noriko Terazu Imanishi 241
Interrogative Adjuncts in
Japanese: A Preliminary Study
Yasuo Ishi 281
Constructional Blending:
The gSubject + Adverbial Adjuncth Construction
Sachie Kajita 297
Negation in
Classical Japanese: A Minimalist Perspective
Yasuhiko Kato 314
Embraced Negative
Object Constructions in the Paston Letters
Osamu Koma 326
Phrasal Compounds: A Study Based
on English, Japanese
and Mandarin Chinese Data
Chiaki Komatsu 340
Nonrestrictive Restrictive
Relative Clauses in English
Tsuguyo Kono 355
External Possession
Constructions in English: A Dynamic View
Tomomi Kougo 369
The Acquisition of the Meaning
and the Distribution of Quantificational
Expressions in English and
Japanese: A Dynamic View
Shigeko Matsufuji 386
Typologies of Lexicalization
Patterns and Event Integration:
Clarifications and
Yo Matsumoto 403
Mixture of Morphological and
Syntactic Elements in English: A Dynamic View
Junya Morita 419
Constraints on
Grammaticalization: A Case Study of Time-Relationship Adverbs
Tetsuharu Moriya and Kaoru Horie 435
Where Do Conjoined WH-Phrases
Come from?
Yukio Nagahara 447
Motion Predicates and the Purposive Marker Ni in Japanese
Naoki Nakajima 462
Notes on the Japanese
Supporting Verb SUGIRU: A Syntax-Semantics Mismatch
Tsuguro Nakamura 477
Denominalization in the
Generative Lexicon
Kentaro Nakatani 493
Syntax, Semantics, and
In-Between: In Defense of Predicative
Kazuo Nakazawa 510
There Contact Clauses in English
Nursery Rhymes
Noriko Nakazawa 524
On the Expression Rinse in
A New Type of Japanese
Compound Coined from English Words
Takayasu Namiki 538
A Semantic Analysis of
Collocations between Words and Their Prepositions
Akira Ogawa 551
A Scope Theory of Tense and
Adnominal Modifiers
Toshiyuki Ogihara 567
A Beautiful Two Weeks: Its Syntactic Structure and
the Semantic Relations
of the Adjective to the
Numeral and Head Noun
Tsutomu Ohna 577
A Dynamic Approach to the Onefs
Way-Construction in English:
From Simple Composition to
Phrasal eLexicalf Idioms to Constructional Idioms
Takeshi Omuro 588
On the So-Called Japanese gEel-Sentencesh
in Japanese
Tetsuya Sano 604
Prenominal Modifiesrs in
English: An Outline of a Dynamic Analysis
Kazutaka Sasaki and Takao Yagi 612
Verbs of Gesture and the
Expression of Body Parts
Hirosi Shimada 619
On Lexicalized Phrases
Reiko Shimamura 631
Adjectival Passives and
Japanese gIntransitivizing Resultativeh
V-Te Aru Construction
Junko Shimoyama 647
Constraints on Language Variation:
Evidence from the Acquisition
of Japanese
Koji Sugisaki 662
Polesemy, Lexical
Underspecification, and Movement
Takeru Suzuki 676
The English Exclamative and
Its Subtypes
Mineko Takahashi and Hiroshi Takahashi 691
Unbounded Motion Events and
the Way Construction
Takayuki Takao 706
Some Observations and
Speculations on the English Comparative Correlative
Mitsuo Tani 718
A Note on Negative Concord in Orosius
Shin-ichiro Tomine 732
Three Kinds of Resultatives: To
Death, To Onefs Death & Dead
Masako Tsuzuki 747
Mukatuk-u: A Japanese Verb Cured of
Nausea With a Zero Passive Morpheme
Taira Uchida 762
On the Form and Meaning of
Aspectual Markers -Yor-u and -Too
in the Northern Kyusyu Dialect
Saeko Urushibara 778
On the Distribution of Some
Emotive Modifiers
Kazuhiro Ushie 793
A Note on the Relative Clauses
in Concealed Questions
Yoshihiko Watanabe 805
NPI Even Does Not
Exist: Remarks on Scope Assignment to Focus Particles
Takao Yagi 817
A Note on the Role of
Adjacency in Phonological Change
Norio Yamada 832
Notes on Null Subjects in
Childrenfs WH-Drop Questions
Kyoko Yamakoshi 836
Anaphora and Reference-Point
Masa-aki Yamanashi 846
A Dynamic Approach to the
Reduced Pseudocleft in
Spoken Brazilian Portuguese
Tomoko Yoshino 858
Editorial Board 873