Linguistics: In Search of the Human Mind |
Contents |
Preface | v | |
Publications by Kazuko Inoue | vii | |
Another Progressive Puzzle | Yasuaki Abe | 1 |
On Association of Quantifier-like Particles with Focus in Japanese | Hiroshi Aoyagi | 24 |
The Minimal Link Condition and Existential Constructions in English | Masatake Arimoto | 57 |
Subcategorization as the Unique Source of Null Complements | Joseph Emonds | 84 |
An A-over-A Perspective on Locality | Naoki Fukui | 109 |
On Meter in General and on Robert Frost's Loose Iambics in Particular | Morris Halle and Samuel Jay Keyser | 130 |
On the Acquisition of Covert and Overt Wh-Movement | Kazuko Harada | 155 |
The Syntax of Resultatives | Nobuko Hasegawa | 178 |
Psychological Verbs in Reflexive Constructions | Yuriko Hatori | 209 |
A Note on Floating Quantifiers in Japanese | Yasuo Ishii | 236 |
Featural Sympathy: Feeding and Counterfeeding Interactions in Japanese | Junko Ito and Armin Mester | 268 |
Inalienable Possession Constructions in Alamblak | Enoch Iwamoto | 279 |
What is Special about the Agent in the Middle? | Noriko Kawasaki | 307 |
On Double-O Constraint | Chisato Kitagawa | 329 |
VP-Ellipsis vs. NP-Ellipsis | Yoshihisa Kitagawa | 347 |
Relevance Properties of English Inversion | Takeshi Kohno | 373 |
Advertisements and Woman's Place | Shigeko Kumagai | 395 |
Notes on So-Called Head-Internal Relative Clauses in Japanese | S.-Y. Kuroda | 414 |
Overt Wh-Movement and Scrambling of Wh-Phrases | Kazuki Kuwabara | 430 |
Pragmatic and Discourse Functions of the Rhetorical Negative Question Form, Zyanai desu ka | Naomi Hanaoka McGloin | 452 |
Light Verb Make and the Notion of CAUSE | Shigeru Miyagawa | 470 |
Wh-NPs and Wh-Adjuncts in English and Japanese | Masatake Muraki | 504 |
Irregular Though Though-Attraction Seems To Be | Heizo Nakajima | 520 |
The Bilingual Mind/Brain: Do We, Can We Know Anything about It? | Wayne O'Neil | 540 |
The KP Analysis of Nominal Phrases | Shin Oshima | 560 |
Wh-Quantifier Interaction and the Interpretation of Wh-Phrases | Mamoru Saito | 588 |
TP Internal and TP External Agr-sP | Shichiro Tanaka | 622 |
Definiteness and Bare Noun Phrases in Japanese | Wako Tawa | 652 |
Some Comparative Notes on Resultatives | Ryuichi Washio | 674 |
Multiple Theta Marking: A Preliminary Study | Akira Watanabe | 708 |
On the Metaphorical Mapping of Image Schemas and the Emergence of Subjective Meanings | Masa-aki Yamanashi | 737 |
Categorial Status of the Question Morpheme Ka in Japanese and Bare Phrase Structure | Miyoko Yasui | 754 |
Economy Considerations and Wh-in-situ | Tomoyuki Yoshida | 773 |