
Phonology of English vowel lengthening Akiko Matsumori 1
Strict cyclicity and English vowel shortening Itsue Kawagoe 17
On ordering paradoxes in morphology Satoshi Ohta 38
Adjuncts and the internal structure of VP Ken-ichi Takami 55
Two types of resultative construction Yoshihiro Yamada 73
Resultative attributes and GB principles Hiroaki Sato 91
Double-verb constructions and argument attraction Takeru Suzuki 107
Structural properties of comparative constructions Hiroshi Hasegawa 126
On NP-ing constructions in English Makoto Yamada 144
Generalized binding theory and the behavior of anaphors in gerunds Jun Abe 165
Government of PRO, by PRO, for PRO Katsunori Fukuyasu 186
Constraints on WH-movement Hajime lkawa 201
A functional analysis of topicalized sentences in English Naohiro Takizawa 221
Gapping and peripheral deletions Naoshi Koizumi 238
On y-assignment in LF Yukio Oba 254
Quantifier scope and event Nobuhiro Kaga 273
A unified semantics of perceptual and aspectual verb complementation Shigeyuki Fujimoto 294
On the initial locus of syntactic change: verbal gerund and its historical development Osamu Koma 311
[Notes and Discussions]    
Evidence against a Grid-only approach to stress assignment Wayne P Lawrence 325
A localization of restrictive relative clauses Hajime Fukuchi 331
A note on Bare-NP adverbs Keiichiro Kobayashi 336
Counterfactual unless Takao Fujita 342

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