A Short Introduction to the Structure of English
中澤和夫 (著)
3,520円(税込)(菊・248頁) |
Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Why Study Linguistics and the Structure of English?
1.2 Approaches to the Study of English
Chapter II Sound and Spelling
2.1 English Orthography
2.2 Regularities
2.3 Irregularities
Chapter III Phonetics and Phonology
3.1 Phonetics vs. Phonology
3.2 English Consonants and Vowels: Articulatory Definitions
3.3 The Notion 'Phoneme'
3.4 English Phonological Rules
3.5 Some Phonological Universals
Chapter IV Morphology
4.1 Domain of the Study of Morphology
4.2 The Notion 'Morpheme'
4.3 Types of Morpheme
4.4 Types of Word Formation: How New Words Are Formed
4.5 The Boundary between the Lexical and the Syntactic Structure
Chapter V Syntax
5.1 Domain of the Study of Syntax
5.2 Phrase Structure and Phrase Structure Rules
5.3 X-bar Theory
5.4 Transformations
5.5 Constraints
5.6 Case Studies in Syntax
5.7 Some Universals in Syntax
5.8 Theories of Syntax: Some Approaches
Chapter VI Semantics
6.1 Domain of the Study of Semantics
6.2 What Is Meaning?
6.3 Types of Meaning Properties and Relations
6.4 Semantic Interpretation of a Sentence
6.5 Semantics of "Deep Structure"
6.6 Semantics of "Surface Structure"
6.7 Word Meaning and Syntax
6.8 Syntactic and Semantic Generalizations
Chapter VII Pragmatics
7.1 Domain of the Study of Pragmatics: Sentence, Setting, and Participants
7.2 Grammaticality and Acceptability
7.3 Speech Acts
7.4 Cooperative Principle and Implicature
7.5 Discourse and Conversation: Dynamics of Verbal Behaviors